Office Hour with
Dr. Candise Lin
For one hour every week, I will be available on Zoom to answer your questions (nothing personal or political please!). No appointment needed, drop by any time. Meeting times vary by week to ensure anyone have a chance to join no matter what time zone you live in.
Ask me anything about Chinese cultures and languages
$10 USD for the first month

How can Office Hour help YOU?
- Hear your parents said something and want me to translate and explain for you.
- Plan to get a tattoo in Chinese and don’t want to end up in my videos.
- Recommendation on Chinese music, drama, or movies.
- Traveling to China soon but don’t know what to expect.
- My take on trending topics that I wasn’t able to cover in a video.
- Get a gift for a Chinese loved one and want some suggestions.
- A conversation partner because you don’t live near any native speakers.
- Correct your pronunciation and check your grammar.

Access For Subscribers Anywhere In the World

Log in from anywhere
Meeting times vary by week so regardless of which time zone you live in, you will have a chance to join. New schedule for the next month will be published by the 20th of the current month.

No appointment needed
Log in anytime during that hour, first come first serve. If attendees exceed a certain number, I will limit the time for questions so everyone gets a chance to speak.

No obligation
You pay by the month and can cancel anytime if it doesn’t work for you.
Things to note before you subscribe
1. Please be respectful to me and other attendees, I reserve the right to remove anyone for inappropriate behaviors and offensive speech.
2. Subscription auto-renews monthly, there will be no refund if cancellation is made after your card is charged.
3. Sessions may be recorded for safey purposes. Recording will be auto-deleted within 24 hours after every session. You may turn off your camera and use a pseudonym when you log in.